Pros And Cons Of Genetically Modified Organisms

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GMO’s. Genetically Modified Organisms. Whether you support them or you don’t, they are being used around the world daily through products such as Roundup Ready corn and Bt resistance potatoes. The mixed response to these crops often causes controversy in many areas of food production. One of the more recent controversies being the labeling of food products. In 2015, the Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act was introduced into congress (Library of Congress, 2016). This caused debate across the food industry, with both consumers and companies taking a stance on both sides of the argument. Some, such as Jeffery Smith of the Institute for Responsible Technology, believing that genetic modification is unsafe because “human studies show how genetically modified (GM) food can leave material behind inside us” (Smith, 2011). While others, stand firm that GM crops have no negative effects on the body. This controversy, along with many others, seem to ask, what is the actual science of GMOs? This is the question I will answer today.
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This is made even more trying when controversy and opinion are what leads the conversation, rather than the science and facts. Essentially, genetic engineering is a more advanced and precise way of genetic modification, allowing us to choose the genes we want from the organism we want it from. The method isn’t foolproof, still needing multiple attempts in order to see the results. However, when it is successful, the science of genetic engineering may be able to solve some of our world’s agricultural problems. E.M Tiffany once wrote, “I believe in the future of agriculture” (E.M Tiffany, 1928). Genetic engineering is part of that future. As FFA members and agriculturalist, it is up to us to inform the public about the facts and science involved in genetic engineering and GMO crops. The future of agriculture depends on