Pros And Cons Of Genetically Modified Organisms

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Genetically Modified Organisms: A Technology Worth the Risk? Today, technology makes thousands of advances to happen, some of which people may not be consciously aware of. The world is in constant modernization, and as these technological advances occur, human beings have to pause and visualize how dependent they are becoming to this advance. Technology is everywhere, whether it is in our means of transportation, or in the food we eat. As a matter of fact, usually the aliments people eat today are either processed or lack natural component these used to have in the past; however, are the perks of this kind of advance greater than the disadvantages and negative consequences it may bring to humanity? Throughout the years, a controversy has …show more content…

For several years and different trials, crops which are supposed to be fresh and produced by nature are being put through this modification process in different way in order for their genes to be altered. Ronald, in Plant Genetics, Ecologically based Farming and the Future of Food explains some of this plant modification methods which include “grafting or forced pollinations between different species”. Ronald also discusses how chemicals and radiation are used to “induce random mutation in the seed.” Unbelievably, people the food ingest today is either altered in these procedures previously mention or in its genetic system there are alterations of some sorts. Genetic engineering can be done not only in plants but also it can be done in animals or microorganisms. Feight and Zuraitkat in their book titled Cloned Food Labeling: history, issues, and bill S.414, discuss how gene modification “has been controversial since newspapers heralded the birth of Dolly the sheep in 1996.” Dolly was the name given to the first genetically engineered sheep and today, modification in animals such as sheep is commonly done. As previously mentioned, this type of modification in animals, most specifically in sheep has been done ever since the last century to increase the level of vitamin in the milk these creatures produce. Although this technology has improved the overall quality sheep are producing, people today don´t realize to what extent laboratories have taken this type of gene modification. Mothers are breast feeding their babies, and later on they are feeding them milk from a sheep that is producing milk, with nutrients yes; but these nutrients come from a nonorganic processed creature from a