Literature: The Role Of Genre Analysis In Literature

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The concept of genre Swales (1990), believes that a genre is a class of communicative events in which language has a vital and inseparable role. He also adds that the principal factor which changes a series of communicative events into a genre is “some shared set of communicative purposes” (p.46). Regarding the communicative events Bahatia (1997) believes that “genre analysis is the study of situated linguistic behavior in institutionalized academic or professional setting”. He further defines genre in terms of “the use of language in conventionalized communicative settings”. He further goes on to point out that genres serve the aims of specific discourse communities and to this end they set relatively “stable structural forms”. …show more content…

He adds that those non-native researchers who have not been successful in the discourse community have not been aware enough of the cultural differences and text structures which are internationally valid. To fulfill this aim, in academic discourse, genre analysis is carried out in three groups of dissertations, theses, and research article.
Genre analysis in research articles Tessoto (2014, p.13) believes that in scientific and academic discourse, the academic research article (RA) plays a significant role. Tessoto defines (RA) as “master narrative of our time” in (Swales, 2004, p.207) or as “a codification of disciplinary knowledge” in (Hyland, 2004, p. 64). Basturkmen (2012) regards research articles as particularly valuable genre investigations since they have been under a strenuous review process. Yang and Allison (2003) call (RA) the central genre of knowledge …show more content…

What are the rhetorical moves used in method section of Applied Linguistics’ RAs in both groups of journals?
5. Is there any significant difference in the frequency of occurrence of moves used in method section of Applied Linguistics’ RAs published in such international journals as ESP, EAP, System, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Modern Language Journal
(indexed by Thomson Reuters ) and those published in Iranian Scientific-Research journals (indexed by ISC)?
H01. There is no significant difference in the frequency of occurrence of research questions in the introductory section of Applied Linguistics’ RAs published in such international journals as ESP, EAP, System, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Modern Language Journal (indexed by Thomson Reuters ) and those published in Iranian Scientific-Research journals (indexed by ISC).
H02. There is significant difference in the frequency of occurrence of moves used in formulating research questions in the introductory section of Applied Linguistics’ RAs published in such international journals as ESP, EAP, System, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Modern Language Journal (indexed by Thomson Reuters ) and those published in Iranian Scientific-Research journals (indexed by