Geography: The Florida Keys

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Florida Keys The Florida Keys is a stretch of multiple tiny islands off the coast of Florida into the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. National Geographic states that in that long strip of land “there are approximately 1,700 little island in the Florida Keys”. Some of the islands we may know are Key West, Key Largo, Marathon and Big Pine Key. These keys are a big tourist attraction primarily for fishing, scuba diving. Boating and snorkeling. Among the Florida Keys lives many different types of species. For instance jellyfish like the Cassiopeas, Cannonball jellies, Sea thimble, moon jelly, comb jelly and the man o’ war which is also known as the bluebottle jellyfish. All of these jellyfish are either really common in the keys or come wandering in in curtain months of the year. There are also two lobsters found in this area, the spiny lobster and the spotted spiny lobster. Lobsters can live for up to fifteen years old and grow up to three feet in length. They are also very similar to crabs and shrimp, all of them have a hard exoskeleton, lots of legs and really long antenna. The West Indian Manatee is most commonly in the keys in the winter season. Manatees can weigh between eight hundred to twelve …show more content…

“Key.” National Geographic Society, 9 Oct. 2012, Accessed 25 Sept. 2017. Sanctuary, Florida Keys National Marine. “Animals in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.” Animals Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 18 Feb. 2015, Accessed 25 Sept. 2017. “Hurricane Irma death toll rises to 72 in Florida.” - News and Articles on Science and Technology, Accessed 27 Sept. 2017. “What 's Happening In The Florida Keys: Dispatches After Hurricane Irma.” WUSF News, Accessed 27 Sept.