George And Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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One major idea that steinbeck describes about George and Lennie is how they are not alone. Although Lennie and George are isolated in some ways, “most guys like [them] are the loneliest guys in the world” but, George and Lennie are different because “[they have] somebody to talk to” (13/14). Lennie and George's friendship is special because not many men like them have a close bond like Lennie and George do. As a person it is normal to want somebody to talk to because “[people] go nuts if [they have] no one” for a companion(80). Lennie and George's friendship is viewed as abnormal during the time period they live in, but steinbeck wants us to see that what they have is special. Although George sees Lennie as a burden, he should be grateful