George Orwell's Animal Farm

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INDEPENDENT READING PROJECT(IRP)READING LOG FEB. 20 CHAPTER 1 Today i read the first chapter, it was about Mr. Jones, the owner and overseer of the Manor Farm, was drunk and went straight to bed after forgetting to secure his farm buildings properly. As soon as the farmer went to sleep the animals held a meeting and old major(the old pig)was talking about a dream he had.All the animals were playing close attention.old major then suggests that they should have an uprising against the lazy humans and run the farm by themselves.Old major then introduces some new rules like loyalty,no alcohol,no money,trust,and no killing. FEB.22 CHAPTER 2 Today i read chapter 2, the big thing that happens in chapter 2 is old major dies sa find out that the three pigs named and we Snowball,Napoleon,and squirtle are really smart and they're now taking old major's place in the business.Also moses the crow comes up with this magical paradise somewhere in the mountains.And the animals manage to kick out Mr.jones and setup some new rules like no clothes and no sleeping in the house,but this all wouldn't happen if mr.jones would stay sober and not drunk.And after i learn that this is going to be a utopia because the pigs steal fresh milk from the cows.