
George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984

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George Orwell wrote the book 1984 in 1949. He explained in the book about how it would be if we lived in society where the government ruled our every move. He made us envision if we were told by our government to think like they wanted us to think basically making us robots. He told of how they preached hate in Oceania. It was Airstrip One (formally Great Britain) a province of the superstate Oceania. He based the book in London where there were posters of "Big Brother" watching us. It was also stated that the government was controlling our every thought and that they were even going back in history to rewrite anything that was wrong in our history books to what they wanted it to be. In Oceania, it was a world of perpetual …show more content…

Winston believes that his boss is running an underground where he can get recruits and can overthrow the system. He is invited along with his girlfriend Julia who is also against the Inner Party to O'Brien s house one night to discuss this. He takes her and goes there believing that they can rise above and along with others be able to rebel against the Inner Party. He is in love with a girl that he has met and in the world there is to be no love. Their love must be that of "Big Brother". The Inner Party has what they call The thought Police. The Inner Party is everywhere. He is told to read a book and that is where things get complicated. When he goes there to discuss it they are in agreement that all machines can be turned off as that is what some of the Inner Party can do but not for long. Believing that this is true they leave and go to where Winston and his girl can meet and continue to see each other in private. He has rented a room above an antique shop owned by an elderly man that had lost his wife sometime’ ago and is selling his stuff. The room he rents he thinks contains no cameras or microphones and they go there believing that it is in private. While there he sees a rat, which is his biggest fear. He yells and is frightened. Soon it is found that " Big Brother " is indeed watching and the whole underground if it does exist doesn't do so by who he has trusted. They are found and both jailed.

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