George S. Patton's Role In The Second World War

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General Patton George S. Patton was played a major role in the second World War. Patton was a tank commander that lead tank divisions through Africa and the Europe. Patton also lead his tanks to aid the invasion of Normandy or more commonly referred to as “D-Day”. After Having success in North Africa and Western Europe he turned to Germany. Patton lead his tanks in the Battle of The Bulge and soon after began to make his way towards Berlin. His advance to Berlin was halted by Eisenhower who did not want to get into a war with Russia over Berlin and Germany. General Patton was one of the most decorated men of his time. He was born on November 11,1885 in San Gabriel, California. Patton was known for carrying pistols with ivory handles and the way he carried himself. He is one of highest regarded and most successful United States commander of any war. He constantly trained his troops to the highest standard. Patton decided while he was young that he would become a hero. His family fought in the Revolutionary war, the Mexican war and the Civil war, he grew up listening to the stories from the wars. He attended the Virginia Military for one year then went on to graduate from West Point on June 11,1909. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the 15th Cavalry Regiment. Patton later …show more content…

He had 345 tanks by the time he took the brigade into the Meuse-Argonne Operation in September 1918. When his men entered the battle, Patton had worked out a way where he could in the front lines maintaining communications with his command post further back away from the battle. He used pigeons and runners to communicate with the command post. Patton was always in the open able to be shot and he eventually did get shot in the leg while directing tanks. After the battle his actions earned him the Distinguished Service Cross for Heroism. Patton would go on to collect many more medals during his