Geriatric Care Case Study

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According to AJN 2008 “the large gaps in care that are for patients and their caregivers during critical transitions can lead to adverse events.” This eventually result in , low satisfaction with care, and high hospitalization rates. As per the Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 2013, “It is evident from study that nurses have a negative attitude towards the care of the elderly whereas they showed equally good knowledge of geriatric care.” secondly there is no specialized health care professionals due to which the care of elderly compromised. The existing health care providers lack of proper training to handle elderly patients with special health care issues. Explore the reasons for identified gaps in your practice settings 1. Gaps in transitional care and Improper training 2. Poor staffing 3. Work overload 4. High staff turn over How and what can you do to address the issue? The rising life expectancy and the drop in fertility result in an ageing population throughout Pakistan, which increase the risk of recurrent hospitalization and it is evident from daily patient census of older adult is 30% in women health care. Therefor …show more content…

I had used different strategies to overcome the different kind of hurdles by having peace of mind with prayers and productive discussion with friends. As I know that, I have limitation of time for the project so I applied the concept of effective time management by maintaining the daily log, meeting with my preceptor to report the project progress, after the end of each day reflecting and planning for next day. According to the (Bill, 2010) the time management is the best way to achieve the given task in short period. To address the issues of specialized based skills and knowledge, I planned several unit based in session services on elderly assessment tool and attitude of staff towards