Gfc Case Study

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GFWC-MFWC Fine Arts Club of Bruce (MS) focused on establishing a strong foundation for new members to ensure both member retention and to provide the resources for new members to be fully invested in GFWC. The Fine Arts Club hosted a New Member Brunch, organized and facilitated by the club’s Vice President and Membership Chairman, as a means of educating and motivating recent recruits, realizing that knowledge is power and enthusiasm flips the switch. Enlisting a GFWC-MFWC Past President, the current GFWC-MFWC President-elect, the current GFWC-MFWC District III President, the current GFWC-MFWC Leadership Chairman, and a retired educator with an emphasis in communications, the facilitator utilized the local library for Wi-Fi access and technology,

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