Gingivitis Research Paper

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Introduction Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gingiva. Plaque is a requirement for the development of gingivitis (Informational Paper, 1999). Periodontitis is a polymicrobial disease in which disease expression involves intricate interactions of the plaque biofilm with the host inflammatory response and subsequent alterations in bone and connective tissue metabolism (Kornman, 2008)1. Although mechanical plaque control methods have the potential to maintain adequate levels of oral hygiene, clinical experience and population-based studies have shown that such methods are not being employed as accurately as they should be by a large number of people. Therefore, several chemotherapeutic agents have been developed to control bacterial plaque, …show more content…

Natural phytochemicals have proven to be good alternatives to such synthetic agents (Abdollahzdeh et al., 2011)1. There is evidence of successful treatment in literature of various oral diseases like bleeding gums, halitosis, mouth ulcers and tooth decay by using herbs like Triphala3, tulsipatra4, green tea5, neem6, clove oil7, pudina7, aloe vera8, etc. Punica granatum is one of the oldest edible fruit which has a long history as a medicinal fruit. Punica granatum belonging to family Punicaceae is more commonly known as pomegranate. The genus name, Punica, was derived from the roman name for Carthage. The word Pomegranate means Apple ("pomum") and seeded ("granatus") 9. The healing property of pomegranate was discussed in one of the oldest medical texts, the Ebers Papyrus from ancient Egypt (1500 BC). …show more content…

These can be divided into several anatomical origins: peel, seeds, and arils. Another important product obtained from pomegranate fruit is the juice that can be obtained from arils or from whole fruit.The chemical composition of the fruits differs depending on the cultivar, growing region, climate, maturity, cultivation practice, and storage conditions (Poyrazoglu et al, 2002, Barzegar et al, 2004, Fadavi et al, 2005). About 50% of the total fruit weight corresponds to the peel, which is an important source of bioactive compounds such as phenolics, flavonoids, ellagi tannins (ETs), and proanthocyanidin compounds (Li and others 2006), minerals, mainly potassium, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium (Mirdehghan and Rahemi 2007), and complex polysaccharides (Jahfar and others

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