Glassdoor's Rating Trends

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Internal reviews by employees are a key thrust in spreading knowledge, especially intellectual capital that can allow a business to learn from their mistakes, improve, or simply maintain their success from an organizational perspective. Glassdoor offers employees an opportunity to reflect on their respective companies through which data is collected and classified into “rating trends”. Reviews can provide companies with data that can help them sustain an internal competitive advantage. For example, Lululemon offers their employees with free fitness classes weekly which have been mentioned numerous times in positive reviews; this benefit can be capitalized upon to reduce turnovers amongst workers by promoting a better “work-life” balance culture …show more content…

For example, CEO approval trends can be compared to Cultures & Values trends during the same time period to determine whether the CEO is influencing the company’s culture in a positive or negative way. In another way, the Positive Business Outlook trend can be compared/contrasted to the Work/Life Balance trend to determine the relationship between these two variables.
Essentially, Glassdoor portrays organizations as systems under which different subsystems exist (Culture & Values, Senior Management, Comp & Benefits, etc.) and allows companies to use the generated charts to study the interrelations between these subsystems in regards to bettering their business. To illustrate, a company would need a 5.0 rating in each rating trend to achieve an overall rating of 5.0 and be synergic.
Moreover, companies can study the rating trends of their competitors to examine their own long-term success. For example, Nike and Lululemon both have an overall rating of 3.9 although, rating trends show that CEO approval trends and Positive Business Outlook trends are higher for Nike. Thus, the practices of Nike’s CEO Mark G. Parker can be analyzed by Lululemon through his personal reviews to determine why his ratings are higher; possibly due to lesser job cuts, sustained reputation, stronger culture and