
Global Warming Ethos

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“Global Warming”-The Biggest Scam of Modern Times Global warming is the steady increase in the Earth’s average surface temperature. There are two sides of this phenomenon. However, people believe that global warming is caused by natural components and not anthropogenic production of carbon dioxide, while the other believes that it is caused by anthropogenic production of carbon dioxide and not by natural components. Global warming is due to the increase level in temperature of a climate which is certainly not proven that the humans are the paramount of this phenomenon. To the ethos approach this documentary “The Great Global Warming Swindle” by British television producer Martin Durkin, presents number of respected scientists, economists, …show more content…

For example, according to Professor Patrick Michaels from the Department of Environmental Science University of Virginia and Professor Syun-Ichi Akasofu, a Director of International Arctic Research Center said “If any one who goes around and says that CO2 is responsible for most of the warming of 20th century has not looked at the basic numbers.” The narrator states that earlier in 20th century industrial progress of many countries were handicapped by the war and economic depression and after the 2nd world ware things changed televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, and cars begin to be a mass produced for the international market. So the question is how the industrial storey is compared to the temperature records? In response to that, since the mid 19th century the worming had begins even before cars and planes were invented. The temperature has risen by 0.5 Celsius, more even before 1940 during period when the industrial production was very insignificant. In reality during the Post War Economic Boom the temperature should shot up but it fell for almost 4 decade and it shop falling by 1975. So logically increase in the level of manmade carbon dioxide should increase the temperature of the climate …show more content…

CO2 is only 0.054% compare to all other green house gases such as Oxygen, Nitrogen and water vapors. Water vapor, is the most important and 95 % of the green house gas. If the green house effect is accelerating the warming of the climate, it means according to climate models “Warming should be higher if the green house gas that’s causing the global warming.” Due to very low amount of CO2 in the green house gas, it falsifies the arguments that green house effect causes global

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