
Globalization Invading Markets Andy Singer Analysis

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Document presentation The cartoon is titled Globalization Invading Markets and was drawn by Andy Singer in 2005. At that time, former President George W. Bush was adopting a unilateralist approach, which means the American government didn’t look for any king authorization from international organizations or other superpowers before getting into war, like it was the case for Iraq in 2003. This cartoon represents, like stated in the title, globalization that is manly enhanced by the US and its high-end corporations known worldwide, contributing to the soft power of America. However, hard power is portrayed by the cartoonist as well through different means. In this drawing, we can identify three famous Disney characters, who are Mickey Mouse, …show more content…

In fact, there is a man lying on the sand in the background that seems like he has been killed by the military troop and represents how violent and ruthless the U.S army is when it comes to natives, to the point that they don’t consider them as human beings. To me, Mickey Mouse also contributes to the hard power part in this case because he is smiling while invading a land that isn’t America’s property. He doesn’t seem to care much about natives being afraid and that will probably killed, as long as America is staying the most powerful country in the world. Therefore, I believe that he portrays the mass murderer and dehumanized soldier, or even the average American citizen, impregnated by patriotism that doesn’t have a critical view over America’s military and foreign …show more content…

use both their soft and hard power to keep their status of hyperpower, and the combination of both of them was successful during the Cold War. However, those two kinds of power are not used in the same conditions. The soft power is used for countries that are inclined to become influenced by America’s culture and through it, they can make allies. But in the past few years, there has been a subsequent increase of anti-Americanism. For instance, a few years back, Europeans citizens tend to believe that America wasn’t doing much for fighting global poverty, global warming and environment problems, or even for maintaining peace in the world. America’s fight to stay the only superpower shows how self-centered the most powerful American citizens are as they don’t care about the real issues. Moreover, anti-Americanism isn’t a resentment exclusively shown by most Muslim countries like years ago but this has become a global issue as promoting their lifestyle contributes to cultural erasure and standardization of the world, which could eventually lead a country and people to identity

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