Mosse's Theory Of Poverty In Bangladesh

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During colonial times, Governments sent their men to other countries to take their resources. Today, Governments are held from doing that by law, but have corporations replaced their role? Today 's interconnected world has produced an environment where outsourcing work to more desperate people is the most efficient business model. While Governments can no longer convert small countries into factories, companies like Joe Fresh, Lululemon and Walmart are intent on filling those shoes. The development of a global economy has created many choices for the first world consumer, but what has globalization done to third world workers '? For many workers ' in Bangladesh, globalization has fostered an environment of greed and corruption. In Made in Bangladesh, …show more content…

Mosse believes that, “persisting poverty has to be analysed as an effect of political systems, their discourses and the terms of inclusion or exclusion.” (Mosse, 1157) Mosse believes the core reason poverty is persistent is the lack of will have those in power to do anything about it. Mosse argues that discussions revolving around poverty focus far too much on the condition of being poor. These discussions focus on common traits that the poor share, instead of the wider societal issues which cause poverty. Mosse’s argues that this “[equates] the study of poverty with studying poor people” and is ultimately counterproductive when trying to discern the cause of …show more content…

Whether it be the incidents at Rana Plaza or Tazreen, it is clear that the system is broken and that those in power have no intention of fixing it. The corrupt officials of the garment industry wish to continue the persistent poverty to maintain their inflow of cheap, exploitable labour. Bangladesh is just one example of the dangers of globalisation and the inherent corruption that comes with it. Mosse 's theories on poverty help to illustrate how and why places like Bangladesh continue to remain in a state of economic despair. The working conditions along with the societal lack of representation not only puts workers ' in constant danger, it also feeds wealth inequality. Seeing poverty as a man made phenomenon rather than a self inflicted wound helps us to understand the greater danger of globalization: a feudal order of corporations intent on profits as opposed to a sustainable, fair