Gnosticism And Mysticism

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Mysticism: It refers to the attainment of insight in ultimate or hidden truths, and to human transformation supported by various practices and experiences.
Gnosticism: It is the teaching based on Gnosis, the knowledge of transcendence arrived at by way of interior, intuition means. It is nearer the truth to say that Gnosticism expresses a specific religious experience. An experience that does not lend itself to the language of theology or philosophy, but which is instead closely affinitized to, and expresses itself through, the medium of myth.
Third eye: The third eye is our ability to see what might be, to see potential. Everyone has access to his or her third eye. The third eye is a direct link with our intuition and knowing. Our third …show more content…

Astral projection/travel: It denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in an astral plane.
Astral plane: The astral plane, also called astral world, is a plane of existence postulated by classical (particularly neo-platonic) medieval, oriental and esoteric philosophies and mystery religious.
Mystery: Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. A religious belief based on divine revelation, especially one regarded as beyond human understanding.
Akashic records: The Akashic records are collectively understood to be a collection of mystical knowledge that is encoded in the Aether. That is, on a non-physical plane of existence
Medium: A person claiming to be in contact with the spirits of the dead and the living.
Spirits: The non- physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character in the soul.
Extra-sensory perception (ESP): The supposed faculty of perceiving things by means other than the known senses e.g Telepathy.
Telepathy: The supposed communication of thoughts or idea by means other than the known …show more content…

It can involve such subjects as: Magic, astrology, Spiritualism, extra-sensory perception and Numerology. These is often a strong religious element to these studies and beliefs, and many occultists profess adherence to religious such as Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Satanism, Luciferianism Thelma and neo-paganism. It has come to be popularly use to mean, “Knowledge of the paranormal’’ (as opposed to science, or the knowledge of the measurable), or “knowledge that must be kept hidden’’. It has also become popularity associated (due in part to popular friction like that of Dennis Wheatley) with Satanism, black magic and divination practices such necromancy, and also in general way with mysticism and esotherism.
At the beginning of the 20 th century, the English occultist Aleister Crowley development his Thelema, a religion or philosophy of life based on the rule “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” which he borrowed from the 16 th century French writer Francois Rabelais. Aleister Crowley claimed to have received the “book of the law” from an entity named Aiwass in