BPS 425 Case Study: Godfirst Church

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BPS 425
Lester Sinclair
Case Study: GodFirst Church
The BPS 425 as a course, has changed the way that I view church as a whole. It has made the writer understand the importance of church leadership and also the behind the scenes workings of the local church. In this case study we will be looking at the local church which I attend : Godfirst church. I think that this will be very beneficial because of the fact that the church recently had some major changes in leadership. For the purposes of this case study we will be looking at the church before all the changes in leadership happened to better understand the church. Due to the fact that the church under new leadership is only 3 months old, we will look at the previous leadership …show more content…

The following is the statement of faith from the Godfirst church. The following are statements, which the church holds onto as being truths taken from scriptures. The statements are broken down into section regarding: the trinity, God the father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, The Bible and many more. For the purposes of this assignment we will take a look some of the statements of truth. The statements of faith that we will look at closely will be: the trinity, God the father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and the Bible but also giving a overview of the other statements of faith.
The Trinity: Godfirst church, believe that there is one infinite and eternal God who happens to exist in three different and distinct persons. The father, the son and the Holy Spirit, each one being God, the church hold onto the doctrine of One God. The One God that exists as the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, this statement of truth is foundation and important for all Christians to believe. (Matt.3: …show more content…

The team for 2012 was PJ Smyth, Neil Golding, Greg Tait, Stephen Jack, Stu West, Kaleb Willems, and Sibs Sibanda.

The team for 2013 is PJ Smyth, Neil Golding, Greg Tait, Stephen Jack, Dave Reynders, Alan Grey, and AJ Semple.

The team can be assisted at any time by an external apostolic figure(s). For 2013, Dave Holden is the primary go-to guy in the event of a crisis, with growing connection with Steve Van Rhyn, Rigby Wallace and Peter Howard-Browne.

Within the team, PJ, Neil and Stephen serve as the Operational Core who meet weekly to deal with minor issues.

4. Appointment
The Central Eldership is appointed by the Leader of GodFirst for one-year terms, and can serve indefinitely beyond that. That said, the Leader of GodFirst reserves the right, in consultation with the Central Team, to remove a member inside a year term, if appropriate.

5. Frequency of Meeting
In 2013 we shall meet twice per term on a Thursday 3.30-6.00pm, and more frequently if necessary.

6. Primary Responsibilities
To guard, guide and govern our vision, values and vital doctrines as expressed in our Get Connected book, and the short-term outworking