An Analysis Of Beth And I Painted Couple Markers At The Meade Golf Course

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On Monday, October 12, 2015, Beth and I painted tee markers at the Meade Golf Course. Before we started, Brad Jansonius had to open the clubhouse so that we could gather all of the materials we needed. The materials included a crate, a screwdriver, a scrap piece of wood, red, white, and blue spray paint. Next, Beth and I drove the Jansonius’ golf cart to hole number one where we pulled up each tee marker in order to clean them. Then, we set the tee markers on a crate and painted them with the correct colors of spray paint. For the markers with two colors, we had to use a piece of scrap wood in order to keep the colors separate. Also, we had to be careful not to get any grass on the newly painted tee markers so we placed them in the ground