Gone To Spread Diversity And Equality Around The World

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About twenty years ago the World Wide Web was launched by Tim Berners-Lee at a price made to better the share of information. However, Little was known about the technology and even less about its potential and possibilities that it would bring to those in the years ahead ("ABC News. N.p., 2014").
The Internet has reformed the computer and communications world, unlike anything that has been seen before. The creation of the telephone, telegraph, radio, and computer has set the stage for this remarkable integration of capabilities("Internetsociety.org. N.p., 2016").

Today the Internet is an extensive information structure, the first model of what is often known as the National (or Global or Galactic) Information Infrastructure. Its record is …show more content…

There are many advantages of the Internet that show the importance of this new medium("Tru.ca. N.p., 2016").

The purpose of this essay is to show data and research on how far the internet has gone to spread diversity and equality around the world.
The concept Diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each person is unique, and recognising our individual variations as people("Qcc.cuny.edu. N.p., 2016").

The term Equality means treating each person with fairness and respect as well as being aware of the needs people have. It is based on acknowledging existing disadvantages affecting how people behave in the society("Havering.gov.uk. N.p., 2016").

As the Internet takes on a larger part in governance, activism and campaigns, the question on how Digital and Social media helps the growth of politics continues.("125 and Me!. N.p., 2013"). Continuous investigations are addressing the subject on whether or not the Internet is leading to increased political polarisation("Journalist's Resource. N.p.,