Google's Ethos Pathos Logos

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Whether it’s to sell a product or an idea, companies are becoming more and more proficient at manipulating people’s viewpoint of something in a way that’s subtle enough that they often don’t even notice it impacts. The video created by Google to represent the year of 2016 is no exception to this somewhat manipulative technique. In a way that projects the emotions that Google would like the audience to feel it not only makes the viewer leave with a more content view of the world but secures Google’s relativity as a search engine. Through the use of pathos and ethos, Google manipulates the viewer without them even being able to notice it. The easiest part to understand about this video is the intended audience. Through the formatting …show more content…

Google blatantly uses ethos when using the google search bar over the images that are supposed to represent hope. They are associating themselves with the good and hopeful. With heavy political figures like Hillary Clinton, Bernie sanders, Donald Trump, Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau, the video is able to be related to. They are employing the images of heavily reported upon politicians because Google knows that they will be easily recognized to mass amounts of people. Also, with the use of the Olympics, it reaches a wide audience. There are few countries that don’t participate in the Olympics, therefore, it pertains to the cultural relevance. Also When Lin-Manuel Miranda repeats “love is love is love” Google is using a man who has been extremely popular in recent news and using a fairly popular speech to express their overall meaning that love is above all the most important and “cannot be swept aside”. The use of the celebrities that have passed away is a ploy of pathos and ethos. It affects pathos because many people cared about those celebrities and it becomes a slideshow of a memorial using well-known, or “iconic”, photos of them with their names and years of life in the bottom right-hand corner. Gene Wilder’s quote from ,and the videos allusion to, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory helps convey the message that the people are in control of their dreams and life by using not only a famous quote that is relevant to the meaning of the video but by also using the actor who played in the original adaption of the film and became well loved by the world. This was especially the case with David Bowie, whom people then began to recreate his iconic look in a way that alludes to how large of an impact he had on the world. No person imitating Bowie stayed on screen long, though, each making way for the next fan, with a total of eight people in the short span of three seconds. Even with just

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