Amazon Ethos Pathos Logos

637 Words3 Pages

Greg Nazaire
Devir Shriky
Digital media foundation

1st gen logo(s): Amazon's gos have evolved over the years to become a symbol of its promise to consumers. It started out as a small bookstore in around 1994. Its original logo featured an image of the Amazon with letters representing A and Z (z was hidden as water flowing through the A) symbolizing their desire to offer customers their products from A to Z for a reasonable amount of money and time. It was also quite simple/barebones; it only used two colors black and white and had no change in these colors or even its tone. Amazon’s original logo was created in 1995 He (jeff Bezos) hired several designers from the firm “Turner Duckworth” to design the “Perfect logo” (mission impossible) …show more content…

It simply said “” with a cheeky sub-heading calling it the earth's biggest bookstore in 1998. Jeff considered it too serious,maybe because of its lack of color and single tonality, they used black and white like last time but this time it was too barebones the previous design at least had a symbol to build on while this was just a mess of words. They later refined it more with a splash of color replacing one of its o’s with a golden one and changed the font and size changing the feel completely. It went from a blog site to a respectable feeling logo which is a lot in the ad world. That would be like being the skinny nerdy kid and buffing up in high school/college (3)

3rd gen logo(S): As amazon grew into the internet megalodon we know today that swallowing up any and all competition, the logo was simplified to a curved arrow underneath from A to Z forming a smile in its design during the early 2000s. It is a bit cheeky, but that is my opinion. It took me a while to realize this via outside sources, but it had nothing to do with the design but due to my lack of attention to details as inconsequential as this in my formative years. This is intended to represent Amazon's consumer approach straight and to the point. I'll say this again very cheeky, but I like it.
They chose yellow with black and white to emphasizes their trustworthiness as I stated

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