Goopen National Network Amplifies Netp24's Mission

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Bridging Visions: How #GoOpen National Network Amplifies NETP24's Mission! In the realm of educational technology, the release of the National Educational Technology Plan 2024 (NETP24) marks a pivotal moment. This comprehensive strategy document developed by the U.S. Department of Education outlines the roadmap for leveraging technology in education and reaffirms our commitment to digital equity, innovative teaching, and the effective use of open educational resources (OER). It's here, at the intersection of NETP24's visionary goals and the practical pathways to achieve them, that the #GoOpen National Network emerges as a critical ally. The #GoOpen National Network encourages states, school districts, and educators to adopt open educational resources to transform teaching and learning. The mission of #GoOpen aligns seamlessly with the core principles of NETP24, particularly in promoting access, equity, and innovation in education through the adoption of …show more content…

The #GoOpen National Network supports this vision by championing open education, facilitating a robust exchange of knowledge, and fostering strategic actions concerning practice and policy. By providing extensive resource collections, the #GoOpen National Network enables K-12 educators and leaders to access, customize, and share teaching materials freely, which enhances their instructional strategies and curriculum design. This openness supports personalized learning experiences for students and empowers educators to innovate and collaborate more effectively. #GoOpen encourages education leaders to adopt and promote open education policies, thereby shaping a more inclusive and adaptable educational landscape. Through these efforts, the #GoOpen National Network is pivotal in transforming educational practices and policies, ensuring all students have the resources they need to