Grade Inflation Gone Wild

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Grade inflation is a reality throughout the United States. This means that students are being awarded with higher grades than they deserve or worked for. This phenomenon is affecting the quality of education throughout the country. Students insist on getting ‘’their money's worth’’ when it comes to receiving grades. Teachers don’t want to be nagged by students and administration for low grades. This in turn makes colleges seem more like business organizations rather than education systems. Who is to blame? In the essays ‘’Grade Inflation Gone Wild’’ by Stuart Rojstaczer and ‘’Doesn’t Anybody Get a C anymore’’ by Phil Primack, this issue is discussed further with presentation of different dynamics in this indisputable issue. …show more content…

Nowadays our entire future strictly depends on our GPA's and getting into college and graduate school has gotten much more competitive. Because of this, students are scared to receive anything less than an A as it could make a huge impact on one's future. Also, most students generally think they deserve a better grade than what was originally earned by them. Students in college take grading policies very seriously because they are the ones paying for their education. True, this is an important matter because, like I said, when I pay for my education then I should receive a grade that I know I earned. So in one way, students do have the right to criticize grades that are given and also have the right to have their paper reviewed again if necessary. But it has become very obvious that most students are pretty much taking advantage of the preexisting weakness to obtain As. This is not fair at all to the student that worked extremely hard and in all manner earned their A. It is very unfortunate that the students getting real grades will be at disadvantage and non-competitive while competing with the students having non-justified high grades. When these students enter practical life by serving in business firms, teaching children, and providing social services etc, they will not have developed the required set of skills and not acquire necessary knowledge needed to perform their