Great American Citizen

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America is a nation built on immigrants and is considered a melting pot, known until recently for welcoming people from many different countries, races, and religions. An American citizen is an individual who is legally recognized by the government and is entitled to the rights and privileges of the country. These rights and privileges are given to those who are citizens by birth, and to those who have been naturalized. Citizenship also defines an individual’s responsibilities to the country, but just because someone is a citizen, it does not necessarily make them a great citizen. There are many ways in which a person can exhibit characteristics of being a great American citizen which include showing patriotism, being helpful and considerate of others, and by being a hardworking and determined individual.
One characteristic of a great American citizen is being patriotic. A patriot takes pride in their nation and remains loyal to the country. Some citizens do this by enlisting in the military and fighting for their country. A patriot also shows respect by standing during the national anthem and Pledge of Allegiance. Another important example of a patriot and a great American citizen is exercising their right to vote. Furthermore, patriots should vote not only in federal elections, but also in state and local elections …show more content…

Hard work and determination are necessary for citizens to be successful and to achieve their goals and dreams. Citizens should always do their job to the best of their ability, and should never do just the bare minimum to get by. It is also important to always work hard toward personal growth and development, and to always find ways to better oneself. A way that this can be accomplished is to always continue to learn and gain knowledge. People should always grasp at opportunities to learn something new, as this not only betters themselves, but society