
Greek Civilization Vs Roman Civilization Research Paper

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The true definition of civilization can vary from person to person. Everyone has their own perspective, but some can agree that a civilization can be defined by when a society reaches an advancement in its cultures, governments, and socializations. In the chapters that we read there are multiple different civilizations to chose from that we can compare their similarities and differences. The two civilizations that highly interested me were the ancient Athenians and the people Rome. The similarities and difference between the two are numerous. Ancient civilizations create such a diverse conception in many ways that we can learn. The Ancient Athenians and Romans both began their civilizations as city-states. The two have many similar views on politics, and they were societies in which they believed that multiple gods effected their lives. They believed that praying to the gods …show more content…

This Greece city wasn’t all about the big city feel. They enjoyed public festivals, religious ceremonies, and countless plays in the Amphitheatre (Reilly). The ancient Athenians were very humble in the sense that they did not desire materialistic or wealth gain, but they were more focused on creating a life of equality and insisted on using their spare time to expand the possibilities of human life (Reilly). Rome on the other hand enjoyed more of the valuables in life. These were a more controlled town that regimented their inhabitants and even the structure of the city’s layout (Reilly). Alexandria had rectangular cities which prevented excessive human interaction (Reilly). However, class divisions were a lot more prominent in Rome than in Alexandria (Reilly). Unlike Athens, Alexandria (named after Alexander the Great) encompassed four different nations: Babylonia, Assyria, Crete, and Egypt (Reilly). No one had ever seen anything like that before that time, so they were seen as the cultural capital of the Mediterranean World

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