Greek God Hermes Research Paper

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The Interesting Life of Andrea Have you ever been in class and the Greek god Hermes was brought up? Hermes was one of the happiest olympic gods. He was a very sneaky god to. He was also a fast god. Hermes is a Greek God with an unique childhood, an adventurous life, and is represented the god of travel and trade. When Hermes was born he did a lot of things for a baby. The first day he was born he left the cave and made a musical instruments out of a tortoise shell. Then he stole 50 cows from his brother Apollo. While he was stealing the cows he tied brooms to their feet. He had them to walk backwards so that Apollo couldn’t tell where they went, but Apollo found out that Hermes took them so he went and told Zeus his father that hermes took the cows. Zeus told Hermes that he better give them back to …show more content…

Zeus told Hermes that if he made him the messenger of the gods he will have to stop lying. So if Hermes wanted to be the messenger of the gods than he couldn’t lie ever again. Zeus gave him the things he need to do the job. He first got a pair of winged sandals called talania. These allowed him to travel at the speed of wind. Then Zeus gave him a cape and a wide-brimmed hat called a petasus. After that Hermes traded his reed pipes to Apollo for the caduceus, or messenger staff. Even though Hermes was a trickster the olympic gods trusted him. He was so sneaky that most of his missions were a success. Hermes is very trustworthy even though he is a trickster. Hermes is a Greek God with an unique childhood, an adventurous life, and is represented the god of travel and trade. Hermes has had a unique life when he was younger, and when he got older. Especially when he was a baby the first day he gave the olympic gods trouble. He also has and a lot of things go on in his life like all the adventurous he has been on with Zeus and Athena. So maybe now when someone brings up Hermes into class you can tell them some things about