Greek Medicine Research Paper

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He believed that there were four humors that made up the human body. The factors used to balance the humors was climate, location, age, and diet. The four humors were Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, and Phlegmatic. The way Martyn Shuttleworth describes the four humors was, “ Sanguine is the blood, related to the element of air and the liver, dictated courage, hope and love. Choleric is the Yellow bile related to the element of fire and the Gall Bladder could lead to bad temper and anger, if in excess. Melancholic is the Black bile, associated with the element of earth and the spleen, which would lead to sleeplessness and irritation if it dominated the body. Phlegmatic is the Phlegm associated with the element of water and the brain, which was responsible for rationality but would dull the emotions if allowed to become dominant.” Those truly were what Greek medicine was based on for decades. It was said to be very important which is why the medicine that was created was centered around keeping the humors in balance. The Egyptians worked with a …show more content…

The ancient civilizations have greatly helped today 's society in the medical field. God has so richly blessed the world with history and advances in medicine. We must continue to thank God everyday for all these wonderful blessings. From the Egyptians to the Greeks to nowadays, medicine has come farther than ever. Medicine will continue to not only gain but to thrive. There will always be people who are looking for a cure for something. There will always be someone who is trying to make each medicine as new as possible. Doctors will continue to improve modern day medicine in every way that can be thought of. Peter Drucker rightly states, “ Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement.” This world will never stop advancing, but instead making the most out of every opportunity given to make the world a better

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