Green Bay Reflection Essay

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Green Bay teachers strive to incorporate culture through many family events like Día del Niño and the Military Luncheon. We plan big events throughout the year and welcome all families to participate and enjoy them. In the classroom, we teach through themes that are relevant and important to our students. We are currently studying butterflies, which will lead us to learn more about the monarch butterfly that travels more than 6,000 miles to Michoacan, Mexico. Students will learn about the life cycle of a butterfly, but also why we need to care for the monarch butterflies. Corn is a vital food for many of our families. Students learned how corn grows and the foods they can make with corn. Students were busy making tortillas in the classroom and sharing their favorite recipes with their …show more content…

I hoped my students would enjoy dancing, furthermore learn more about their heritage through folkloric dance. Seeing the joy on the students, parents and staff inspired me to write a 112 Foundation Grant to start a folkloric dance group at Green Bay. I want all students to understand that their culture is rich in traditions and folklore. Through folkloric dancing they will learn about Latin American music, traditions, and history. I truly believe it will also encourage them to continue to learn more about their culture.

In my previous years, as a dual language teacher at Red Oak School, integrating culture was a vital component in our curriculum. I organized displays and activities to teach students about the meaning of Hispanic Heritage month and Día de los muertos. It was a learning experience for me when I welcomed parents to share the meaning of the Jewish holidays. It was important to me because I knew very little of Jewish celebrations like Passover and Hanukkah. Learning from each other helped my students go beyond a superficial understanding of