Grit Is More Important Than Success Essay

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There are many things that individuals have and use to succeed. Whether you're a fast learner, talented, or healthy and have good athleticism none of that is more important than grit. One may say that talent is the most important factor for one's ability to succeed but it is actually grit. One's ability to succeed is determined by grit because it's what pushes a person to keep going, allows people to take opportunities, and helps with long-term success. Most of my family lives in the states with stable incomes of high five figures. Living in America financially stable wasn’t always like this though. As a matter of fact, my whole family began living and working in the Philippines until my uncle decided it was time for a change. My family had dreamed of moving to America and so they worked hard walking with water buckets to sell …show more content…

Technology is constantly growing so humanity can automate jobs that require labor. In the modern world, we constantly advance technology to further the success of living. Grit is something that people have had for years and is the key to the long-term success of all people. For example, people across history are known for their grit because of the inventions they have created. Their desire to invent something that could help themselves or help others brings them success. The first moon landing, the invention of the light bulb, the first optimal aircraft, the first computer, and the first vehicle. These are all examples of inventions that have advanced over the years to what we have today. This is all possible with humanity's grit to advance and use their ideas to persevere. Grit helps us humans by making us want to improve our daily lives. This is because grit pushes us to persevere and use our talents. Millions of people have had great ideas that have benefited the world but none of them would have ever come to life if they did not have the grit to nurture their