Guitar: A Confession To Milkman By Toni Morrison

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In this quotes, the character Guitar is throwing his feelings out and confessing all that has to do with the secret society he is in. Through his confession to Milkman he explains the Seven Days society is a society which brings revenge to whatever white person fits the picture from a current devastation in the black community. It takes place in the 1950’s which is a time in which black people have a bit more freedom but are still not seen as equal. Through this passage, Morrison is able to demonstrate how oppression sparked a feeling of hatred in Guitar. Guitar was oppressed his whole life which brought a feeling of hatred and led him to take certain actions in his community. Toni Morrison demonstrates Guitars anger towards white people when Guitar …show more content…

Guitar also describes an example of what a court case would look like. He uses words such as “cracker”, “kills”, and “negroe”. He uses these certain words to describe a case in which a white person would kill a black person. He then continues with using words such as “ judge “, “legally”, “ignore anything”, “Negro has to say”. It helps the reader understand where black people in the 1950’s or around that time period would stand. In short, Guitar is talking about judges or anyone in the court is legally not allowed to listen to a black person. So if a black person were to take to court a case in which a white person assassinated a black person, the black person would be ignored and the case would take no further steps. This demonstrates how cruel and unfair conditions for black people were back then and how even though they had a lot more liberty, they were still treated like scum. As Guitar continues to justify himself when he confesses to Milkman, Milkman makes fun of Guitar and compares him to Malcolm X. Black people used to be slaves unless they bought their freedom. Since all