Gun Control Argumentative Essay

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Having a car gives car owner flexibility, personal mobility, and independence while the rules for driving is quite strict. Because if drivers don’t know how to drive properly, it would cause a lot of accidents each year. Similarly, acquiring a gun gives gun owner protection and security, however, it only takes half hours for someone to get a gun in state of Michigan. Compare to cars, why is the U.S. government regulate firearms in such easy scale when firearms have the capability to can kill dozens of people in minutes. Stricter legislations for gun control is reasonable for our nation. American gun restriction is far from enough. Under the federal gun laws, U.S. permanent residents or citizens who pass the background check and over the …show more content…

Rapist is bad, but child rapist is consider in a harsher scale as evil. Likewise, mass shootings are bad, but when it involves of children is when the case becomes controversial. Children are innocent, pure, and a gift from god. If insanity people take lives away from such impeccable creature in such cruel way, the public will rise against it. Anti-gun right groups would argue, the world will be a much better place without guns or police is the monopoly to have access to guns to protect “the people” (McManhan). The fact is, information collected by The Federal Bureau Investigation indicates that 67.7 percent of the nation’s murders, 41.3 percent of robberies and 21.1 percent of aggravated assaults involves use of firearms. Although guns do not cause violence, their presence can escalate its severity and it makes sense to ban firearms. However, 90% of lung cancers are caused by nicotine, the government doesn’t ban tobacco, and ATF regulates it. Cars cause a lot of unintentional accident death each year, but it would sounds crazy for the government to ban car use, instead the government educate drivers in tests to prevent accidents. Same theory applies in gun control, banning guns are nearly impossible. In the United States right now are millions of guns, and millions more are imported or exported interstates each year. “A well-made …show more content…

In 2007, an armed perpetrator killed two girls worked at New Life Church in Colorado Springs. A former police officer who as voluntary security guard shot him before the situation worsen (Bennett). If the principal at Sandy Hook Elementary who was killed by Adam Lanza was well trained and carried a firearm, the principal might be able to save himself and his students. The situation would be totally different. Think deeply, why the voluntary security guard was able to shot the perpetrator? Because she was a former police officer which means she received training on pulling that trigger. If an untrained civilian or school security guard never know the proper way to aim and shot, more innocent people could be killed in the crossfire. That why stricter gun laws should make sure the gun owners are licensed as