Gun Control Pros And Cons

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The Gun control debate will continue to move in a circle and will remain stagnant for a long period of time. Gun control has been proven to be one of the most intense arguments know to man. Before anyone can truly state their opinions though you will need to know information about both sides of the fight. In this debate you will need to consider what is actually being accomplished from both sides of the discussion. For Example, “ Firstly, how are firearm restrictions to be implemented without violating the Second Amendment of the constitution is one that is considered central in terms of political and legislative in determining how to approach gun control issues”(Make sure you…). This issue is big for the simple fact that it’s an American right …show more content…

Also in consideration will taking away guns really implement anything at all? Empirical evidence and facts have proven valid points for both sides of the argument or table. To imply, “Lastly, one of the most asked questions is how would the restriction of firearms inhibit or impair a citizens ability for self defense, and how such a stance is viable without infringing on Second Amendment Rights”(Make sure you…). The right to bear arms has and always is a thorn in the argument or debate of gun control or gun violence. Anti Gun Activists tend to come at the argument with invalid sources or incomplete statements. They have unwavering interpretations of the Second Amendment. There are two groups that are for gun control, one being the National Rifle Association (NRA) and two being the Gun Owners of America. These two groups defend the Amendment with many good valid sources that have factual …show more content…

They think if more Americans have Guns they are more likely to harm and kill you. Activists say that more gun ownership increases the rate of suicide. To conclude, “States with high gun ownership have a suicide rate almost twice as high as those with low gun ownership”(Morris). More people have noticed that seven teen times more people that committed suicide had the possession of a gun in there hands or found in households. Guns don’t always lead to suicide, most people are just as miserable in one state as the other. With these being said if someone is ill and is suicidal the gun may be a quick way but these people still find other ways to end there own lives. No other passage in the constitution is as hotly debated as the second amendment. In Conclusion, “Although most people focus on the bear arms part, the real key word is militia”(Morris). The Second Amendment was put into place to make citizens militia could defend the principles of the