Gun Control Persuasive Essay

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Gun Control is a never-ending debate, and is not one issue, but many. For most gun control advocates, gun control is a crime issue, safety issue, and they would like to see more regulation and legislation to ban guns in the hands of civilians. For gun rights advocates like myself, gun control is a rights issue, a political issue, a racial issue, and a mental health issue. But one of the great things about our country is that we have to freedom or right to our opinions and beliefs. As someone who believes in protecting all rights and maintaining our freedoms, the right to bear arms has proven its worth by means of self-defense, leaving less people vulnerable to attacks, burglary, and other violent crime.
It is my intent through this essay is to persuade you as to why more gun control will not deter crime, because only lawfully owned guns will deter crime, fewer people …show more content…

The amendment is read as a whole, but contains two separate clauses as is separated by two commas. The judge in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Laurence H. Silberman, ruled that, "the second comma divides the amendment into two clauses: one `prefatory' and the other `operative' (Heller vs. D.C., 2008). In his majority for the Supreme Court case that followed, Justice Antonin Scalia upheld Silberman's ruling (Heller vs. U.S.,2008). The first clause is the 'prefatory' clause, and when translated into today’s interpretation says, "well disciplined, able bodied civilians that are necessary to the security of a free country,". The second clause is the 'operative' clause, when translated into today’s interpretation says, "the right of an individual to keep and carry weapons, should not be taken

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