Gun Violence In Honduras Essay

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America; the greatest country on earth. The role model of countries, filled with untold riches under the promise of the capitalistic “American dream.” That country for the people, by the people. The land of the free and the home of the 9mm? In America today over 5.27 violent gun related homicides occur out of 100 annually. How is it that such a progressive first world nation could experience such high gun violence? Could it be because of the sensationalizing of goods and the desire for those less fortunate to acquire them by violent means? Or maybe, perhaps, it’s the strict laws imposed by the American Government.
Some cultural theorists might point to the high population of minority groups in America and claim that it might cause tensions between those of different ethnic backgrounds and/or religions. However, when analyzed with another case study, Honduras, this claim is falsified. How is it that Honduras is comprised of 90% mestizo nationality, 7% Amerindian nationality, and still has incredibly high gun …show more content…

In America, wealth isn’t acquainted to the quality of the life you live, but the quality of the things you own. It is because of this this that people kill other people to acquire goods to reach their goal of becoming richer, stronger, better-off, etc. On the surface this seems like a strong claim, however in America the amount of people who live in poverty is astronomically low (compared to an international standard.) So, in theory, if it is the poor people that commit these atrocities and America has a very low amount of poor people, how does America have such a high rate of gun violence? Honduras has quadruple the amount of impoverished people living in the country and still shares the same issue of incredible gun violence as America. Therefore, the amount of poor people in a country really doesn’t justify or explain the amount of gun violence experience by said