Opposing Arguments Against Gun Control

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Gun control is an expression referring to the various laws that manage everything related to the use of firearms by civilians. In the US alone, there are tens of thousands of deaths and injuries that are the result of gun violence every year. Not even six months into 2018, and there have already been nearly 20,000 gun violence incidents in this country. Many want to ignore the subject because they don’t think it impacts them personally, and others argue that it’s their constitutional right to bear arms. Gun violence is a serious issue in the United States, and the people in this country must take action if they want change to ever occur.
The gun violence statistics for the US are frightening. In Opposing Viewpoints it says, “The United States …show more content…

In Opposing Viewpoints In Context, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Garry Wills was quoted saying, “”...History, philology, and logic furnish no solid basis for thinking the Second Amendment has anything to do with the private ownership of guns"” (Qtd, Spitzer). Another argument is that guns don’t kill people—the mentally ill do. People who are against gun control argue that addressing mental illness can reduce shootings, but that is not exactly true. Opposing Viewpoints says “On the whole, those with mental illness are responsible for only 5 percent of violent crimes”, and “people with mental illness are 11 times more likely to be the victims of violence” (Rapoport). Gun violence, particularly in schools, is also argued to be caused by bullying, but that’s not the case either. If bullying was the answer, there world be more female, transgender, queer, and POC shooters, not just white males. Shootings are ultimately caused by entitlement, and demographically, white males are the most entitled by far. When male shooters have been promised fortune and power since they were a child, and they don’t get it, they react the way mass media has taught them:

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