Second Amendment Vs Gun Control Essay

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The second amendment and gun control are one of the highly debated topics in the United States. Many people argue that second amendment is dangerously leading to gun violence and it should be controlled to avoid further unfortunate incidents. While on the other hand, others believe that right to bear arm is very important because it protects them from criminals. But isn’t people’s life more worthy than right to carry guns? So,the U.S government should find the best way to make strong and effective gun laws and lessen gun use to protect people from gun violence. Many people in the United States are now against the rights to bear arms because of the increase in mass shootings, school shootings and, many other miserable incidents. …show more content…

The article “Gun violence in America is out of control” claims that “The United States loses far more people to gun violence — homicidal, suicidal, accidental — than almost any other country, and there is one reason: the easy availability of guns.” Many criminal minded people are the reasons for creating this harsh situation in our society because guns don’t kill people, it’s heartless people who kill other for their own purpose. Many people are going against the law and misusing the rights provided by 2nd amendment. But still our government is not critically focusing on this issues. Furthermore some people claim that when the gun goes in wrong hand, then it can’t be safe. “Not to mention that if the gunman didn’t have access to firearms, “a good guy with a gun” wouldn’t have been needed in the first place”(The Texas shooting shows why “a good guy with a gun” isn’t enough). It’s true because when the firearms goes in wrong hand, then no good people can prevent the destruction. Gang members and murderers easily purchase guns from black market and go onto the streets and kill people. So, the lawmakers should make the laws that would punish the people who illegally sell guns and the executive branch should enforce those laws