Gym Archetypes

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We know it will be good for us, but we can never seem to drag ourselves to do it. Excuse after excuse, the guilt builds up, and we find ourselves in gym shorts and tennis shoes headed to that formidable building we are all far too familiar with—the gym. At first, it might mistakably seem as a simple sanctuary for a workout—a quick jog on the treadmill or a joyride on the elliptical—but in actuality, it is an entire world of its own: a universe of competition and a solar system full of yoga pants and tank tops. Shaky legs make their way to the beloved locker rooms—it’s been awhile since you’ve worked out—and then up the stairs. But throughout your daunting stroll through the gym and during your anaerobic endeavors, you can’t help but notice them. No, you have never talked to them, nonetheless even spent the time to learn their names, but they are unmistakable in appearance. They are the classic gym archetypes.

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