Plank Test Of Strength Essay

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Procedure for identifying physical fitness strength and weaknesses:
1. Make sure the correct equipment is used and the equipment is fully functional.
2. Make sure to wear the proper kit.
3. Stretch fully and properly.
4. Complete the fitness tests.

Fitness tests:
1. Plank Test

The plank test is a simple fitness test of core muscle strength
The plant test measures the strength and the ability to tolerate the situation without giving up. It works the back/core stabilizing muscles.
Equipment: flat and clean surface stopwatch paper pen.
Procedure: The aim is to hold a certain position for as long as possible. The upper body off the ground, supported by …show more content…

Pull-Up / Chin Up Test
The pull up test is used as a measure of upper body strength.
Equipment: Horizontal overhead bar At appropriate height so that the one can hang from with arms fully extended and feet not touching the floor.
Procedure: Grab the overhead bar with arms fully extended. Raise the body until the chin clears the top of the bar, then slowly lowers again to a position with the arms fully extended. Swinging the body and kicking legs is not permitted. As many proper pull-ups as possible.
The total number of correctly completed pull-ups is recorded.

Rating Amount of pull ups
Excellent >15
Very good 13-15
Above average 10-13
Average 7-10
Below average 5-7
Poor 3-5
Very poor 0-3

3. 10m Shuttle Test
The 10m shuttle fitness test is an aerobic fitness test.
Equipment: Flat surface marking …show more content…

The plank test is useful in gymnastics as gymnasts use their core muscle for almost everything.
2. Pull ups are useful for arm strength as it is always needed and for the bar apparatus.
3. 10m shuttle test, tests the gymnasts’ fitness and helps improve the run-up for the vault apparatus.
4. Balance beam test improves a gymnasts’ balance, especially on the beam apparatus.
5. Groin flexibility test sees how flexible the gymnast is and helps with the flexibility and the well-known leaps.

Fitness components: 1. Co-ordination – If the different elements of the body don’t work together well, nothing would be able to be done in gymnastics. There would be serious injuries due to falling off the beam, missing the bar or bad landing.
2. Flexibility – It helps improve the conditioning of the muscle and enhances the performance of the movements.
3. Strength – without strength, a lot of the elements in gymnastics would be near impossible.
4. Balance – Balance is needed mainly on the beam and bar, to ensure there is no

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