Comprehensive Fitness Assessment Paper

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A comprehensive fitness assessment provides a variety of information, including a health screening, heart rate, blood pressure, height, weight, and a series of measurements to help determine their fitness level. (Clark, Sutton, & Lucett, 2014) I also take note of things such as past experiences with exercise, and any exercise likes or dislikes. (Clark, Sutton, & Lucett, 2014) My client’s current goals and needs are also recorded, along with a quick questioner. All the information I gather during my assessments help me set up a safe and effective exercise program.

Client Information
As far as personal information, Jon David is 26 Years old, 143lbs. Male, he smokes 5-8 cigarettes a day. Jon is a professional live streamer. He gets paid to try new games and give feedback, and other cool stuff. He spends most of his time sitting. Jon says he’s stressed allot so we are hoping exercise can help relieve some of that stress. Some of his hobbies and recreational activities include gaming, guitar playing, walking, BMX, computers, and RC Planes. As far as fitness goals Jon wants to feel better every day and build stamina. Jon would also like to strengthen his shoulder muscles. Jon prefers to go walking and biking for cardio. He has no current health issues, and does not have any …show more content…

“This transitional movement assessment also assesses dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular control” (Clark, Sutton, & Lucett, 2014). The criteria however to judge this assessment only calls to know if his knees move inward. In the anterior view Jon’s knees do move inward.
Lastly, we have the Push Up Test. “This test measures muscular endurance of the upper body, primarily the pushing muscles” (Clark, Sutton, & Lucett, 2014). In the push-up position, Jon’s ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, and head are in a straight line. Jon also can lower his body to touch where a partner’s closed fist placed under his chest would

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