Han Restaurant: 56 Little Bourke Street Melbourne

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BSBMKG609 Develop a marketing plan

Assessment task 1

In this report I will discuss a restaurant called Han Restaurant, which is located in 56 Little Bourke Street Melbourne. This restaurant was established by Mr. Han back in 2000 and is famous for the cuisine and cooking style from northern china. The target customers of the business are the chinese immigrants, overseas students and the local customers who love the asian food.

a) Marketing vision and goals

Marketing vision:

Han Restaurant is a place for family and friends togetherness with a passion of the traditional northern Chinese cooking and the simple theme of the 1950s and 1960s. Han Restaurant is a typical theme business by investing heavily on quality customer service …show more content…

Most restaurants overlook targeting the overseas students who are regularly homesick and miss their native country’s food and cooking. Han Restaurant will focus on analysing the dining trends back in mainland china and ensure the local chinese overseas students can still try the original food while studying and living in Melbourne.
Marketing description • Han Restaurant is dedicated to serve the following types of customers:
• 18 - 75 years old
• $50,000+ household income
• Different types of family status such as single, married with kids, de facto or friends associations
• Students or professional or office job occupations
• Located in and around Melbourne CBD
• Focus on 1950s and 1960s culture background and represent a simple, more comfortable time
• Pay attention to family togetherness and fun time bonding, home feeling and relaxation theme
• Not only persist with the local chinese cooking styles but also refer to the local Melbourne customers demands and trends
• Pay attention to the food processing, storage and stock process and ensure all the cooking materials used are non-allergic to any

More about Han Restaurant: 56 Little Bourke Street Melbourne