
Hanukkah Research Paper

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Every year in the beginning of December, Hanukkah is celebrated, or as some call it “Festival of Lights” or “The feast of Dedication”. Hanukkah is spelled differently by different people, Some name it as “Chanukkah” while the majority of people spell it as “Hanukkah”.The jews decided to celebrate when the miracle of the oil occurred in 139 BCE. The rabbis then proclaimed that these eight days should become an annual holiday on the Jewish calendar. So on the next year, 138 BCE, Hanukkah was celebrated for the first time-complete with the lighting of the Hanukkah Menorah. Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah (also called the festival of lights) for eight whole days, and for each night, they light one more candle than they did the day before, so on …show more content…

“Hanerot Hallalu”, an ancient Hanukkah song is recited or sang while the lighting of candles. According to the Hanukkah tradition, the candles on the candelabrum are not supposed to blow out until the end of the festival. Hanukkah is a celebrating of two miracles, a great jewish military victory and a miraculous supply of oil for the temple. Hanukkah is celebrated to spend time with your family and friends, eat holiday treats, to give gifts (especially to children) and to play the Dreidel game, Dreidel is a Yiddish word which comes from the word “Drei” A dreidel is a spinning top, pointed and four-sided. Not all people give gifts on Hanukkah though, some jewish people don’t even celebrate Hanukkah, some jewish people are tired of the “December Dilemma” and competing with Christmas, they prefer to avoid the fuss. Every year during Hanukkah people have a menorah, which is, a sacred candelabrum with seven branches used in the Temple in Jerusalem. Lighting of the menorah is a main Hanukkah tradition. The word Hanukkah means “A jesser Jewish Festival” Like Christmas, Hanukkah isn’t a major holiday for some Jewish

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