Happiness Definition Essay

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Happiness, an abstract concept that isn’t clearly defined. It comes in different forms for everyone, we all experience happiness very differently. Some will go out an extra 20 miles in order to reach what they think their goal of happiness is, but that could have negative effects. What us humans do to reach this ultimate goal, can be very detrimental, emotionally and physically, so all in all, we should not strive for happiness to be a goal of ours, instead, we should let it come naturally.
Happiness to a child is different from the happiness of an adult. But as that child grows into an adult, they might find themselves searching for that happiness of their parent or even that of an older relative. Even as simple as it sounds, it isn’t so …show more content…

Him trying to reach his goal not only tore him apart, but also his 5 yr old son, who did not go to school after leaving with his father, ate when they had enough money, and …show more content…

For example, social media has come to affect how happy we can be or become, now more than ever. Social media has become a bigger part of our lives, and impacts us in many ways, both negatively and positively. Such as having negative effects in a relationship, which many people really let get to them. Social media could affect one’s life negatively mainly because we see how other people are living all twitter, instagram, snapchat, etc. when we see how big their houses are or what kind of car they drive, we compare that to the cars we drive and they house we live in, and that deteriorates how we feel about everything we’ve ever had. For example a study has shown that Facebook users are more likely “to experience negative physical health, negative mental health and negative life satisfaction,” (Heid, Mark). Which all in all is true the comparison we make to others lives, or using social media as an escape can be detrimental, and cause anxiety. Which is why we shouldn’t set is as a goal, happiness alone will come when you are satisfied that the house you have and live in because it is effect for us. Trying to set a goal to reach something that we think will make us, won’t truly make us happy due to the fact that we just want it because it’s nicer than what we already