Harriet Tubman Achievements

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In harriet Tubman's lifetime she has accomplished many great achievements, however only one can be the greatest. Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in 1822 as Minty Ross, then later married John Tubman in 1844 making her Harriet Tubman and later died in 1913. Once her master had died in 1849 she made the decision to leave her Husband and her family to run for freedom, accomplishing many achievements. However, what was Harriet Tubman's greatest achievement? Harriet Tubman's greatest achievement was the Combahee River Raid that was on June 2, 1863 due to the number of people she helped and the time spent while her other achievements were significant. However, the criteria for this has shown the great amount of people she had helped in the …show more content…

Some of the quotes to support this were, “about one year after the Civil War, harriet Tubman was asked by the governor of Massachusetts to join Union troops in South Carolina. There she headed up a team of eight black spies to operate behind the lines and provide intelligence for Union raid to free slaves” (Doc.C). Another quote was, “...you could look over the rice fields, and see them (slaves) coming to the boat from every direction” (Doc.C). One last quote was, “We got 800 people that day, and we tore up the railroad and fired the bridge...” (Doc.C). Based on this evidence, Harriet Tubman and eight other spies went into free 800 slaves which is more people than every other one of the accomplishments combined. Also recognizing the fact that it was done overnight without any difficulties stopping the raid. Harriet Tubman's greatest achievement was the Combahee River Raid due to the number of people helped and time spent while her other achievements were significant. Overall, all of the Documents have shown that she has escorted over 38 people during her rescue missions, got 800 people during the Combahee River Raid, helped care for poor people in her home, and helped the 54th Massachusetts Volunteers. However, the Combahee River Raid was the most greatest and efficient achievement and should be recognized due to the amount of commitment harriet Tubman had during her lifetime to help slaves receive