
Harriet Tubman Research Paper

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Harriet Tubman is born an African-American slave in the state of Maryland USA. Trapped within the industry of slavery, she eventually fled to Philadelphia and Canada. Instead of enjoying her freedom and safety, Harriet decided she’d journey back and save her family and other enslaved African-Americans. Harriet’s dauntless actions of escaping American territory and endangering her life for others is a miraculous act of heroism and proves that she’s one of the noblest African-American women to ever live. With these attributes of fearlessness taken into consideration, Harriet Tubman certainly deserves a holiday to celebrate her brave determination to abolish slavery. Harriet was a very clever and independent woman who took the lead. Over time, Harriet became the conductor of a secretive route known as the Underground Railroad which led to assisting the escape of slaves. Due to her actions, Harriet became infamous to the American society as bounty’s offered boundless prize money for her capture. Although there was a lingering danger of being arrested, she proceeded with her rescue plans and for over a decade made 19 trips back and forth to escort over 300 slaves into Canadian territory. Harriet’s amazing efforts also earned her the nickname of “Moses” due to how she saved many slaves from the slavery industry. All her actions are respectfully justified as she holds her astounding …show more content…

To do so, she became an American abolitionist and political activist. One of the movements she joined was the Woman’s Suffrage which demanded the rights of women and persuades the public about gender equality. Her contributions proved that she cared deeply about these issues and carved a path for today’s society. Since she deeply believed in demolishing these problems, she’s also an excellent inspirational example to individuals because of her nerve to stand against all

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