Harriet Tubman Research Paper

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Harriet Tubman is one of the most interesting people to ever live, she has had a great impact on American and has accomplished so much in her life including being the most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad. Tubman used the Underground Railroad to free hundreds of slaves from their “owners”. Tubman never gave up saving slaves, she knew they if no one else was going to save them then she was going to do it herself.

Harriet Tubman’s life, like those she saved, started in slavery. Tubman was born a slave in the year 1820 and was given the name Araminta “Minty” Ross by her parents. Tubman, born a slave into the plantation of Edward Brodess in Dorchester County, Maryland. Her mother was Harriet Green and her father was Ben Ross, they were both slaves as well. Later she was hired out to other households, having multiple different jobs. Two of her jobs included being a nursemaid and was hired to set muskrat …show more content…

In December 1850, she started to use the Underground Railroad to free people. She first freed her family including her niece, her niece’s husband, and their two children. She then returned to free her husband, John Tubman, but he refused to leave so he stayed back with his new wife. In 1858, she met John Brown, who was executed the next year, and helped recruit supporters for the Harper’s Ferry attack. When she went back to save her sister she found out that she had died, so instead she took the Ennals family. In the beginning of the American Civil War Tubman worked as a cook and nurse in South Carolina and Florida, she also helped General David Hunter recruit former slaves. During that time she served, under the command of Col. James Montgomery, as a spy and scout. In 1863, Tubman lead an assault during the Civil War where 700 slaves were set free. In 1865, in the end of the Civil War Tubman returned home to Auburn, New

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