
Harry Potter Argumentative Essay

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The only book whose name flashed across my mind when I read the question was Harry Potter. I dint even have to think twice to wonder whether it really was a life changing book for me because it was. Sure there are a lot of songs and poems and films that have caught not just my eye but also my heart but being an avid reader.My love for reading began at a very young age and as I recall Enid Blyton was my first hero, her books never failed to take me to a different land and meet some very different but friendly creatures. From there I went on adventures, solved crimes, fell in love multiple times with so many novels that I have given up keeping count. Books take you to so many different places wonderful people and let’s live lives that you could only dream …show more content…

Books can give you a new way to tackle life and a show us different ways of life, the possibilities are endless, the benefits are countless,the journey breathtaking, and a feeling like no other. Harry Potter is written by J.K Rowling a very talented author and a wonderful person who has changed a lot of lives through her books. Her world of magic has brought together so many people of such different back grounds. Harry Potter is a book that is about a boy of the age 11 who loves with horrid aunt and uncle and their son who have made his life hell. And just when Harry thinks that this is all his life is going to be, he is told that he is actually a wizard and has been invited to study in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In this journey of love and war we make new friends, learn the most important lessons, and see a lot of deaths but in the end get through it all. There are seven books in total that tell the story of “The Chosen One”. To me these books mean a lot because they made me what I am today, it has made me understand that life isn’t as simple as some people make it to be. Also friendship and love are two very important aspects of life. These books have made stronger than I used to

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