
Hate In Romeo And Juliet

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Over 42% of people a year kill themselves because of relationships. Both love and hate influence Romeo to kill himself because, love made them need to be together and hate affected their relationship in so many ways. In the story of Romeo and Juliet they experience some tough times. Hate is the thing that caused these tough times and rough experiences. In the story of Romeo and Juliet its says " "Deny thy father and refuse thy name; (2,2,36) Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,(2,2,37) And I’ll no longer be a Capulet".(2,38) These lines from the story show that hate is responsible for their deaths. These lines prove this because Juliet is saying that if only she wasn't a capulet that they could be together. Capulet's and Montague s are sworn enemies and this is most definitely messing with their love. …show more content…

In the story it says " Romeo doff thy name and for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself. (2,2,49-51)" These lines from the text prove that this the only thing holding Romeo and Juliet from being able to love freely. Their last names have everything to do with not being able to love even though it isn't even a physical feature. Part of the many reasons as to why hate has caused Romeo and Juliet's deaths is " From ancient grudge breaks to new mutiny. Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, A pair of star-crossed lovers." These lines mean from a long lasting feud, a revolt happens where civil blood makes troubled people mad but in the end something bad is going to happen. This shows that from the very start of their relationship their families hate each

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