Health Promotion Model

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2. A conceptual model for developing a health promotion programme
The conceptual model of health promotion programme consists of risk factor, age, and subpopulation. Risk factor encompasses tobacco, overweight, air pollution, high fat dietary, physical inactivity, alcohol and drug abuse and stress excess. The subpopulation focuses on the blacks, whites, Indians, Coloureds. And the lastly, the age ranges between infants, children, adolescents, adults (25-44), adults, (45-65), and older adults.

2.1 Models for developing a health promotion programme.
2.1.1 Behavioral Change theory
Behavioral change theory is a theory that explains why people do and do not adopt certain health behaviors (Raingruber, s.a.). Behavioral change theory studies …show more content…

DoI theory suggests four ‘main elements’ of behaviour change: innovation, communication channels, time and social systems. According to Rogers (cited in Morris et al., 2012:14) diffusion is a process in which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among members of a social system. It is a special type of communication in that the messages are concerned with new ideas (Rimer and Glanz, 2005). According to DoI theory, behaviour will change more rapidly if innovations are perceived as being better than previous options (relative advantage) and constant with the existing values, experiences and needs of potential adopters (compatibility), if they are easy to understand (complexity), testable via limited trials (trialability) and their results are visible (observability) (Rimer and Glanz, …show more content…

In the Ecology Systems Theory, the primary influences are intercultural, community-level, organisational-level and interpersonal/individual (Rimer and Glanz, 2005). The individual, community, organisation and culture are nested spheres as actions in one sphere can influence what happens in another sphere (Rimer and Glanz, 2005). Interpersonal microsystem consists of roles a person plays within his or her social setting, such as mother, sister, father, brother, employee, friend, peer and/or student (Rimer and Glanz, 2005). These microsystems influences can be learned but are also ingrained based on gender, ethnicity, generational influences and culture (Rimer and Glanz, 2005). In this sphere personality, knowledge, and beliefs are important in that they are continually shaped by the environment and other individual with whom one comes in contact with (Rimer and Glanz, 2005). Mesosystems are institutional and organisational factors that shapes and structure one’s environment (Rimer and Glanz, 2005). Policies, acceptable protocols, and norms of behavior act at this level to shape individual behavior such as schools, companies, churches, sports teams, and community groups are examples of the mesosystem (Rimer and Glanz, 2005). Exosystems are community-level influences which include norms,