Healthy School Lunches

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I have many memories of school lunches, most of which were not high in nutritional value. In elementary school, students have options of a ‘hot lunch’ or a ‘cold lunch’. A typical school lunch in the United States does not compare to those served in other countries such as Brazil, France, Italy, South Korea, and Spain (just to name a few). As I am majoring in Elementary Education, one of my requirements is to do some work in a local elementary school. I work with a student in second grade, and I attend lunch with her. The first time that I saw what options the children had, I was mildly shocked. The meal choices for the day were fried chicken, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, one vegetable, one fruit, and salad. To be honest, the salad looked like it was just dumped out of a bag and put in a serving tray, and it did look appealing even to myself. Other than the meal, the students are able to buy ice cream, as well as a different variety of chips and cookies. While the meals have improved since I myself was a student in elementary school, I do not consider them to be healthy options.
According to Kate Bratskeir from the …show more content…

The process of accomplishing these goals will not only educate our children and the school food industry workers, but also their families which will give them a longer, and healthier life as well. Barbara Mikulski, the senior United States Senator from Maryland once stated, “one person can make a difference, together we can make change ("Mikulski, Cochran Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Commemorating 20th Anniversary of AmeriCorps National Service Program | U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski of Maryland")”. While that quote was about a different issue, I truly believe that it can be applied to the American Association for Health School Meals as well; together, we will make