
Heartland And Rural Youth Exodus Book Review

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Everyone all around the world expresses desires, secretly or out loud, or they enact their desires by essentially performing them or chasing towards that dream. Traveling, adventurous and accessible, will reel in the eyes of modern day youth day by day whether it is through social media or family trips over the summer, yet several individuals don’t ever leave the town they grew up in. Perhaps the underprivileged individual doesn’t have the means, money or motive to explore the world for what it is all about, the small town they live in feels tightknit and comfortable, stepping outside that comfort zone might result in anxiety about the uncertainty of the outside world. In order for today’s youth to understand the global world that is forever …show more content…

Freedom, ubiquitous and particular, expresses adventure and desire in some, an individual won’t understand the feeling until they’ve had just a taste of that independence, once they have it the aspiration only grows much like travelling. Never feeling the euphoria of travelling can hinder an individual’s ability to think differently and gain valuable life skills. In The Heartland and the Rural Youth Exodus by Patrick J. Carr and Maria Kefalas they go through their whole chapter explaining the lack of movement in travelling that the small town of Ellis, Iowa, however they do mention the very few who aspire to travel and do accomplish their dreams. Patrick J. Carr and Maria Kefalas further state that those who leave left because “those may lack the grades and money to attend the University of Iowa, but they have no desire to settle into married life with their high school sweetheart or get a dead end job”(Carr and Kefalas 34). Those small town seekers wanted to see more of the world than just their small town, they had a …show more content…

Though it’s impossible, if everyone around the world were given the opportunity to explore the world, the world would have more of an understanding of how it functions. This would allow fewer wars to happen, the economy would be evenly balanced out, and world peace would take place. Roaming all around the world, for a small town person, would prove to be highly beneficial to the individual because not only does it get them out of their small town, but it allows them to see different perspectives on life, culture and home. Travelling will mold them into the person that everyone is meant to be because it allows one to gain the skills that they will desperately need later in their life when they move onto having the career of their dreams. Joining the military not only allows one to serve their country, represent their state, but the student exchanging program would prove to be the most promising. The student exchange is the best program for travelling, for example, if a student were studying German, they would most likely be placed in a home that lies in the middle of Germany. Being in Germany would place the student in Europe, and while that student isn’t at school or busy they can go on a road trip for four hours and land themselves in France, the Netherlands, or Belgium. If one holds

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